923 Matches
475 Victories 448 Defeats
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The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
To choose your featured medal we need you to be a subscriber and help us keep the eSports community alive in Latin America!
923 Matches
475 Victories 448 Defeats
10 Matches
5 Victories 5 Defeats
340 Matches
183 Victories 157 Defeats
39 Matches
22 Victories 17 Defeats
1670 Matches
750 Victories 920 Defeats
35 Matches
14 Victories 21 Defeats
469 Matches
247 Victories 222 Defeats
177 Matches
87 Victories 90 Defeats
Razer Viper 8khz
Alienware 240hz
Hyperx Cloud III