40 Matches
16 Victories 24 Defeats
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The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
To choose your featured medal we need you to be a subscriber and help us keep the eSports community alive in Latin America!
40 Matches
16 Victories 24 Defeats
1084 Matches
506 Victories 578 Defeats
260 Matches
130 Victories 130 Defeats
644 Matches
313 Victories 331 Defeats
1274 Matches
596 Victories 678 Defeats
97 Matches
25 Victories 72 Defeats
HyperX Pulsefire Raid
RAZER Gigantus v2 Large
Asus eye care
Redragon Kumara switch outemu blue
Redragon Zeus