147 Matches
82 Victories 65 Defeats
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The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
To choose your featured medal we need you to be a subscriber and help us keep the eSports community alive in Latin America!
147 Matches
82 Victories 65 Defeats
16 Matches
9 Victories 7 Defeats
23 Matches
10 Victories 13 Defeats
166 Matches
80 Victories 86 Defeats
1209 Matches
597 Victories 612 Defeats
31 Matches
19 Victories 12 Defeats
1335 Matches
676 Victories 659 Defeats
1071 Matches
478 Victories 593 Defeats
Logitech X G PRO
Mouse Pad Zowie GS-R
AOC 244 hz
Fallen Morcego
Hypex Cloud Alpha Wireless
4:3 1280:1024