167 Matches
64 Victories 103 Defeats
Write your story at Gamers Club
The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
To choose your featured medal we need you to be a subscriber and help us keep the eSports community alive in Latin America!
167 Matches
64 Victories 103 Defeats
19 Matches
6 Victories 13 Defeats
389 Matches
202 Victories 187 Defeats
2435 Matches
1085 Victories 1350 Defeats
10 Matches
10 Victories
420 Matches
197 Victories 223 Defeats
755 Matches
360 Victories 395 Defeats
365 Matches
144 Victories 221 Defeats
Super Ligth - Logitech
hyperX 90 x 40
BenQ Zowie XL 2430 144Hz
hyper-X Eloy fps pro
Razer Kraken Tournament
16 - 10 - 1680x1050