361 Matches
194 Victories 167 Defeats
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The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
To choose your featured medal we need you to be a subscriber and help us keep the eSports community alive in Latin America!
361 Matches
194 Victories 167 Defeats
53 Matches
25 Victories 28 Defeats
944 Matches
483 Victories 461 Defeats
20 Matches
10 Victories 10 Defeats
391 Matches
182 Victories 209 Defeats
Razer Viper 8Khz
Fallen Angel - Speed Large
Benq Zowie XL2566k 360Hz
Razer Huntsman V2 8000mhz
hyperx cloud core 2
4:3 1280x960