126 Matches
64 Victories 62 Defeats
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The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
To choose your featured medal we need you to be a subscriber and help us keep the eSports community alive in Latin America!
126 Matches
64 Victories 62 Defeats
192 Matches
98 Victories 94 Defeats
Enxadão Largo 2.5 Com Cabo 130cm - Tramontina
Tapete de Couro Pele Clássica Marrom e Branco
TV Tubo 29'' LG
Teclado Arranjador Yamaha Psr-E373 com 61 teclas - Preto
Abafador de Ruídos Tipo Concha Arv 200 Vonder