1367 Matches
686 Victories 681 Defeats
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The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
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1367 Matches
686 Victories 681 Defeats
99 Matches
49 Victories 50 Defeats
85 Matches
47 Victories 38 Defeats
431 Matches
187 Victories 244 Defeats
389 Matches
184 Victories 205 Defeats
249 Matches
116 Victories 133 Defeats
23 Matches
8 Victories 15 Defeats
Attack Shark X6 Wireless
Force One XXL
AOC DESTINY 240Hz 0.5ms
Attack Shark GK61
Logitech PRO X Wireless
1024×768 4:3 Streched