628 Matches
314 Victories 314 Defeats
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The Season will be active until 3/4/2024. Do not miss it!
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628 Matches
314 Victories 314 Defeats
13 Matches
6 Victories 7 Defeats
4 Matches
1 Victory 3 Defeats
411 Matches
211 Victories 200 Defeats
958 Matches
481 Victories 477 Defeats
29 Matches
20 Victories 9 Defeats
854 Matches
412 Victories 442 Defeats
15 Matches
5 Victories 10 Defeats
Razer Deathadder V3 Pro, 30.000 DPI, 1000 Hz
Mousepad Gamer Fallen Ace, Speed, Estendido
Monitor Gamer LED 24" 1ms 144hz Full HD AOC HERO
HyperX Alloy Origins Core PBT, RGB, Switch Red, 100% anti-ghosting
Headset Gamer Redragon Zeus H510, 7.1 Som Surround